Why are Same Python Imports on Windows So Slow Compared to Linux? (Ubuntu)
Image by Abisai - hkhazo.biz.id

Why are Same Python Imports on Windows So Slow Compared to Linux? (Ubuntu)

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Are you tired of waiting for what feels like an eternity for your Python scripts to load on Windows, only to find that they zip along at lightning speed on Linux? You’re not alone! Many developers have scratched their heads wondering why the same Python imports seem to be crippled on Windows compared to Linux.

The Culprits Behind Slow Python Imports on Windows

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s identify the main culprits behind slow Python imports on Windows:

  • Windows File System: Windows’ file system is designed for general-purpose use, which means it’s not optimized for the rapid-fire access patterns that Python’s import mechanism uses.
  • Antivirus Software: Many antivirus programs on Windows are overly aggressive, scanning every file that Python tries to import, causing significant slowdowns.
  • Python’s Import Mechanism: Python’s import mechanism is designed to be flexible and dynamic, but this comes at the cost of performance. On Windows, this mechanism can be particularly slow due to the way it interacts with the file system.

Optimizing Python Imports on Windows

Now that we’ve identified the culprits, let’s explore some optimizations to speed up Python imports on Windows:

1. Use a Faster Python Launcher

Python’s default launcher on Windows is not optimized for performance. You can try using Fast Python Launcher, which is designed to reduce startup times.

pip install fast-python-launcher

2. Disable Antivirus Scanning for Python Directories

Exclude your Python installation directory and virtual environments from antivirus scanning to prevent unnecessary slowdowns.

For example, if you’re using Windows Defender, follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows Defender
  2. Click on “Virus & threat protection”
  3. Click on “Virus & threat protection settings”
  4. Under “Exclusions”, click on “Add or remove exclusions”
  5. Add the path to your Python installation directory and virtual environments

3. Use a Faster File System for Python Libraries

Consider using a faster file system, such as ReFS, which is optimized for high-performance storage.

Note: This requires Windows 10 or later and a compatible storage device.

4. Leverage Python’s Cache Mechanism

Python has a built-in cache mechanism that can significantly speed up imports. Make sure to enable it by setting the `PYTHONCACHEPREFIX` environment variable.

set PYTHONCACHEPREFIX=C:\path\to\cache\directory

5. Use a Faster Import Mechanism

Consider using a faster import mechanism like Birdseye, which is designed to reduce import times.

pip install birdseye

6. Optimize Your Python Code

Finally, make sure to optimize your Python code to reduce the number of imports and minimize the use of slow imports.

For example, instead of importing entire modules, try importing only the specific functions or classes you need:

from math import sin  # instead of import math

Linux (Ubuntu) to the Rescue!

So, why do Python imports seem to fly on Linux (Ubuntu) compared to Windows? Here are some reasons:

  • Faster File System: Linux’s file system is typically optimized for high-performance storage, making it faster than Windows’ file system.
  • Faster CPU Architecture: Linux can take advantage of faster CPU architectures like ARM and PowerPC, which can execute Python code more quickly.
  • Better Resource Management: Linux is generally better at managing system resources, which means Python has more memory and CPU available to it.


Slow Python imports on Windows don’t have to be a frustrating bottleneck in your development workflow. By identifying the culprits and applying the optimizations outlined above, you can significantly speed up your Python imports and get back to coding.

And if you’re already using Linux (Ubuntu), congratulations! You’re already enjoying the performance benefits of a more optimized system.

Remember, every millisecond counts, and with these tips, you can shave precious seconds off your Python script loading times and get back to building amazing things!

Optimization Estimated Speedup
Fast Python Launcher 20-30%
Disable Antivirus Scanning 10-20%
Faster File System 30-50%
Enable Python Cache 20-40%
Faster Import Mechanism 15-30%
Optimize Python Code 5-20%

Note: The estimated speedups are approximate and may vary depending on your specific system configuration and use case.

Frequently Asked Question

Python enthusiasts are puzzled about the performance discrepancy of Python imports on Windows and Linux. Let’s dive into the reasons behind this phenomenon!

Why do Python imports take an eternity on Windows compared to Linux?

The primary culprit is the Windows file system. Windows uses a case-insensitive file system, which leads to additional overhead when searching for modules. In contrast, Linux file systems are case-sensitive, making the search process more efficient. This difference in file system architecture contributes significantly to the performance gap.

Do antivirus software and Windows Defender slow down Python imports?

Yes, antivirus software, including Windows Defender, can indeed slow down Python imports. These programs often scan files and directories in real-time, which can interfere with the import process. On Linux, antivirus software is less prevalent, and when present, they are typically less intrusive, reducing the performance impact.

How does disk I/O impact Python import performance on Windows?

Disk I/O operations, such as reading and writing files, are slower on Windows compared to Linux. This is due to differences in file system design, caching mechanisms, and disk scheduling algorithms. As a result, Python imports on Windows may experience additional latency due to disk I/O overhead, further widening the performance gap.

Does the Python interpreter itself contribute to the performance difference?

While the Python interpreter is the same on both platforms, some Windows-specific optimizations are missing. For instance, the Windows Python interpreter lacks some of the Linux-specific optimizations, such as the use of the `mmap` system call, which can improve memory mapping and reduce import times.

Can I alleviate the slowness of Python imports on Windows?

Yes, there are several strategies to mitigate the performance issues. These include using a solid-state drive (SSD), configuring your antivirus software to exclude Python directories, using a faster Python interpreter like PyPy, and employing caching mechanisms like `__pycache__` or third-party libraries like `pytest`.

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