Unlocking the Power of User-Defined Models: A Step-by-Step Guide to Helping PSSE Find Your Custom Creations
Image by Abisai - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of User-Defined Models: A Step-by-Step Guide to Helping PSSE Find Your Custom Creations

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Are you tired of feeling like your user-defined models are lost in the digital wilderness, unable to be found by PSSE? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify the process of making your custom models visible to this powerful software. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to help PSSE find your user-defined models and unlock their full potential.

Understanding the Problem: Why Can’t PSSE Find My User-Defined Models?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand the root cause of the issue. PSSE, short for Power System Simulation Engine, is a powerful tool for simulating and analyzing power systems. However, its ability to find user-defined models relies on a specific set of conditions being met.

The primary reasons why PSSE might not be able to find your user-defined models are:

  • Incorrect file path or naming conventions
  • Missing or incomplete model metadata
  • Incompatible model format or version
  • Insufficient permissions or access rights

Step 1: Prepare Your User-Defined Model for PSSE

To increase the chances of PSSE finding your user-defined model, you need to ensure it’s properly prepared. This involves:

model.dll file should be created using a compatible compiler and architecture.

// Example C++ code for a simple user-defined model
#include "PSSE_API.h"

int __stdcall MyModel_API_Version()

int __stdcall MyModel_Initialize()
  // Initialization code goes here
  return 0;

int __stdcall MyModel_Step()
  // Simulation step code goes here
  return 0;

int __stdcall MyModel_Finish()
  // Finish code goes here
  return 0;

Compile the code using a compatible compiler (e.g., GCC or MSVC) and architecture (e.g., x86 or x64).

Rename the generated DLL file to match the exact case and extension (e.g., MyModel.dll).

Step 2: Configure the Model Metadata

PSSE relies on metadata to identify and load user-defined models. You need to create a metadata file (model.cfg) that contains essential information about your model.

Metadata Key Description Example Value
MODEL_NAME Model name My User-Defined Model
MODEL_DESCRIPTION Model description A simple user-defined model for demonstration purposes
MODEL_VERSION Model version 1.0
MODEL_AUTHOR Model author John Doe
MODEL_DLL Path to the DLL file C:\Path\To\MyModel.dll

Create a plain text file named MyModel.cfg with the above metadata key-value pairs.

Step 3: Place the Model Files in the Correct Directory

PSSE searches for user-defined models in specific directories. You need to place your MyModel.dll and MyModel.cfg files in one of the following locations:

  • C:\Program Files\PSSE\lib\usermodels (default location)
  • C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\PSSE\usermodels (user-specific location)
  • A custom directory specified in the PSSE configuration file (psse.ini)

Make sure the directory and files have the correct permissions and access rights.

Step 4: Configure PSSE to Find Your User-Defined Model

Tell PSSE where to find your user-defined model by updating the configuration file (psse.ini). You can do this:

Through the PSSE graphical interface:

Go to File > Preferences > User-Defined Models and add the path to your model directory.

By manually editing the psse.ini file:

Add the following line to the [USER_MODELS] section:


Step 5: Verify PSSE Can Find Your User-Defined Model

Restart PSSE and verify that it can find your user-defined model:

Go to the Model Explorer and look for your model in the list of available models.

If your model is not listed, check the PSSE console for error messages or warnings.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Encountered issues while trying to get PSSE to find your user-defined model? Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. Error: “Cannot find MyModel.dll.”

    Solution: Ensure the DLL file is in the correct directory and has the correct naming convention.

  2. Error: “Invalid model metadata.”

    Solution: Check the model.cfg file for syntax errors or missing key-value pairs.

  3. Error: “Model version is incompatible.”

    Solution: Ensure the model version is compatible with the PSSE version you’re using.


With these straightforward steps, you should now be able to help PSSE find your user-defined model. Remember to carefully follow the instructions, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you encounter any issues. By unlocking the potential of your custom models, you’ll be able to take your power system simulations to the next level.

Happy modeling, and may the power of PSSE be with you!

Additional Resources

For more information on creating user-defined models for PSSE, refer to the official PSSE documentation and API guides.

Join the PSSE community forums for discussions, tutorials, and expert advice on custom model development.

Frequently Asked Question

Unleash the power of PSSE with your custom-made model! Discover how to let PSSE find your user-defined model with these frequently asked questions.

Where should I place my user-defined model files?

Place your user-defined model files in the “Models” folder within the PSSE installation directory. This allows PSSE to automatically detect and load your custom models.

What file format does PSSE support for user-defined models?

PSSE supports user-defined models in the form of dynamic link libraries (DLLs). Ensure your custom model is compiled into a DLL file to make it compatible with PSSE.

Do I need to register my user-defined model with PSSE?

Yes, you need to register your user-defined model with PSSE using the “Register Model” option in the PSSE startup menu. This step is crucial for PSSE to recognize and load your custom model.

Can I use a custom model name or does it need to follow a specific format?

You can use a custom model name, but it’s recommended to follow the PSSE naming convention (e.g., “MyModel.dll”) to avoid conflicts with other models.

How do I troubleshoot if PSSE doesn’t find my user-defined model?

Check the PSSE log files for any error messages related to your custom model. Ensure the model file is in the correct location, and the DLL file is correctly compiled and registered with PSSE.

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