Sharing Instance of a Class between Multiple Tests Running in Parallel in JUnit 5
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Sharing Instance of a Class between Multiple Tests Running in Parallel in JUnit 5

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When it comes to testing complex systems, parallel testing is an essential strategy to reduce test execution time and improve overall efficiency. However, sharing instances of classes between multiple tests running in parallel can be a challenging task, especially in JUnit 5. In this article, we will explore the approaches to sharing instances of classes between multiple tests running in parallel in JUnit 5.

Understanding the Problem

In JUnit 5, tests are executed in parallel to improve test execution speed. However, when tests run in parallel, each test instance is created separately, and instances of classes are not shared between tests by default. This can lead to issues when tests rely on shared resources or complex setup and teardown procedures.

Why Sharing Instances is Necessary

In many cases, sharing instances of classes between multiple tests is necessary to:

  • Reduce test execution time by minimizing setup and teardown overhead
  • Improve test reliability by ensuring consistent test data and environments
  • Simplify test maintenance by reducing duplicated code and efforts

Approaches to Sharing Instances

There are several approaches to sharing instances of classes between multiple tests running in parallel in JUnit 5:

1. Using @BeforeEach and @AfterEach Annotations

One approach is to use the @BeforeEach and @AfterEach annotations to share instances of classes between tests. These annotations allow you to execute setup and teardown code before and after each test, respectively.


void setup() {
    // Create shared instance
    sharedInstance = new MyClass();

void teardown() {
    // Release shared instance
    sharedInstance = null;

2. Using JUnit 5’s Lifecycle Hooks

JUnit 5 provides lifecycle hooks that allow you to execute code before and after all tests in a test class. You can use these hooks to create and share instances of classes between tests.


static void setup() {
    // Create shared instance
    sharedInstance = new MyClass();

static void teardown() {
    // Release shared instance
    sharedInstance = null;

3. Using a Test Container

A test container is a class that holds the shared instance and provides a way to access it from multiple tests.


public class TestContainer {
    private static MyClass sharedInstance;

    public static MyClass getSharedInstance() {
        if (sharedInstance == null) {
            sharedInstance = new MyClass();
        return sharedInstance;

Best Practices

When sharing instances of classes between multiple tests running in parallel, follow these best practices:

  1. Use thread-safe classes and methods to avoid concurrency issues
  2. Use lazy initialization to reduce overhead and improve performance
  3. Use a test container to decouple tests from shared instances and improve test isolation
  4. Avoid sharing instances between tests with different lifecycles or dependencies

By following these approaches and best practices, you can effectively share instances of classes between multiple tests running in parallel in JUnit 5, improving test execution speed, reliability, and maintainability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to uncover the secrets of sharing instances of a class between multiple tests running in parallel in JUnit 5!

Q1: Can I share an instance of a class between multiple tests running in parallel in JUnit 5?

Yes, you can! JUnit 5 provides a feature called “parallel test execution” which allows you to run tests in parallel, and share instances of a class between them. You can achieve this by using the `@Shared` annotation on the instance you want to share.

Q2: How do I annotate a class to share its instance between multiple tests in JUnit 5?

You can annotate the class with `@TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)` and the instance you want to share with `@Shared`. This will ensure that the instance is created only once and shared between all tests in the class.

Q3: What is the difference between `@Shared` and `@TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)` in JUnit 5?

`@Shared` is used to share an instance of a class between multiple tests, while `@TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)` is used to specify the lifecycle of the test instance. `PER_CLASS` means that the test instance will be created only once and shared between all tests in the class.

Q4: Can I use `@Shared` with `@BeforeAll` and `@AfterAll` in JUnit 5?

Yes, you can! `@Shared` can be used with `@BeforeAll` and `@AfterAll` to share an instance of a class between multiple tests, and perform setup and teardown operations only once for the shared instance.

Q5: Are there any limitations to sharing instances of a class between multiple tests in JUnit 5?

Yes, there are! When sharing instances of a class between multiple tests, you need to ensure that the instance is thread-safe, as multiple tests may access it concurrently. Additionally, you should be aware of the potential performance implications of sharing instances between tests.

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